
Git is a version control software originally started by Linux Toralds (The creator of Linux). It was designed as an alternative other version control software like CVS or SVN. It differs from its competitors in that each user clones down the entire contents of the repository to their machine and push up changes that they make locally, only requiring the user to connect to the server to save their work.

Subtree Commands

  • git remote add -f <repoAlias> <repoURL> [--squash]
  • git subtree add --prefix <subtreePath> <repoAlias> <branch> [--squash]
  • git subtree push --prefix <subtreePath> <repoAlias> <branch>
  • git subtree pull --prefix <subtreePath> <repoAlias> <branch>
This page was last updated: 2022-10-06 Thu 21:40. Source